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35 Childcare centers found

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YMCA @ Bon Lin Elementary School

3940 Germantown Rd., Bartlett, TN 38134
(901) 430-0593
Rating: 3
Ages: School
Capacity: 99 | License issued: (N/A)
Profile updated: 12/26/2020


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YMCA @ Bon Lin Middle School

3862 N. Germantown Pkwy, Bartlett, TN 38133
(901) 430-0593
Rating: 3
Capacity: 99 | License issued: (N/A)
Profile updated: 02/08/2021


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YMCA @ Ellendale Elementary

6950 Dawnhill Road, Bartlett, TN 38135
(901) 873-1434
Rating: 3
Ages: School
Capacity: 99 | License issued: (N/A)
Profile updated: 02/12/2021


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YMCA @ Oak Elementary School

3573 Oak Road, Bartlett, TN 38135
(901) 755-2123
Rating: 2
Ages: School
Capacity: 99 | License issued: (N/A)
Profile updated: 02/10/2021


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YMCA @ Rivercrest Elementary School

4825 Rivercrest Lane, Bartlett, TN 38135
(901) 430-0593
Rating: 0
Ages: School
Capacity: 99 | License issued: (N/A)
Profile updated: 02/09/2021


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