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35 Childcare centers found

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Abdallah Family Day Care Home

4315 Balmoral Court, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
(813) 600-3215
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Amerman Family Day Care Home

7120 Quail Hollow Blvd, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 973-0522
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Capacity: | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Backyard Bears Day School

27300 Dayflower Blvd, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 991-5499
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Capacity: 78 | License issued: (28 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Benn Family Day Care Home

1045 Standing Reed Place, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
(813) 973-7735
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (22 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Bierly Family Day Care Home

7732 Pinelands Drive, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 907-9545
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (20 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Bonilla Family Day Care Home

1130 Big Creek Drive, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 907-7041
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Bright Horizons Childrens Center

3820 Windcrest Drive, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
(813) 907-6150
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Capacity: 229 | License issued: (16 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Creative Times Academy

26031 County Line Road, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 907-2700
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Capacity: 241 | License issued: (21 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Creative World School Wesley Chapel

32109 State Road 54, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
(813) 780-1415
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Capacity: 172 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Dingman Family Day Care Home

33930 Coddle Court, Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
(813) 782-6407
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (14 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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