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54 Childcare centers found

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RCMA Farm Worker Village C Child Development Center

2225 Chadwick Circle, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658-3625
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Capacity: 90 | License issued: (37 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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RCMA Immokalee Community Child Development Center

123 North 4th Street, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658-3537
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Capacity: 61 | License issued: (21 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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RCMA Rollason Child Development Center

402 West Main Street, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658-3595
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Capacity: 73 | License issued: (26 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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RCMA Rollason Infant Child Development Center

402 West Main Street Building B, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658-3597
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Capacity: 90 | License issued: (28 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Rice Family Day Care Home

1609 Lake Trafford Road, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 657-1700
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (20 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Robles Family Day Care Home

1838 Immokalee Drive, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 867-0834
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (14 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Romero Family Day Care Home

3018 Immokalee Drive, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 657-6724
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (24 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Rosado Family Day Care Home

1809 6th Ave, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 657-2924
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (15 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Rousseau Family Day Care Home

2711 Eden Avenue, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 867-6009
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (16 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Silerio Family Day Care Home

545 Clifton Street, Immokalee, FL 34142
(239) 658-0407
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (21 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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