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63 Childcare centers found

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Ms. Barbie's Angels

1005 Lewis Dr, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
(386) 252-9452
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (15 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Mt. Calvary Academy

700 Bellevue Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 255-8654
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Capacity: 118 | License issued: (18 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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New Horizons Childcare & Learning Center Inc

322 Pierce Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 253-1700
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Capacity: 42 | License issued: (14 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Nurtured Minds Learning Academy

317 Parkway St, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 682-8913
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Capacity: 29 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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One By One Learning Center

628 Mason Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
(386) 255-2400
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Capacity: 39 | License issued: (16 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Ortona Playground

1206 N Halifax Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
(386) 239-6556
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Capacity: 105 | License issued: (22 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Pat's Daycare Kidz Kingdom

504 Heineman St, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 323-7956
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (13 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Payne Family Day Care Home

624 Berkshire Road, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 255-8489
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (20 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Pure in Heart Christian Academy

121 Notting Hill Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
(386) 256-7243
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (11 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Rising Stars Day Care Center

711 Revere Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
(386) 257-2470
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Capacity: 70 | License issued: (21 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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