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19 Childcare centers found

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Academy at the Farm Preschool

9500 Alex Lange Way, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 588-9737
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Capacity: 21 | License issued: (21 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Circle of Life Learning Center

37742 Martin Luther King Blvd, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 523-0002
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Capacity: 73 | License issued: (13 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Clower Family Day Care Home

37048 Janet Circle, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 567-1899
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Cyesis At Moore Mickens Education Center

38301 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Dade City, FL 33523
(352) 524-9000
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Capacity: 57 | License issued: (34 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Dragonflies and Fairytales Two

12900 Ft King Road, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 518-0770
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Capacity: 101 | License issued: (11 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hughes Family Day Care Home

14807 11th Street, Dade City, FL 33523
(352) 567-6386
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (44 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Lighthouse Christian Academy and Pre-School

14520 N 21st Street, Dade City, FL 33523
(352) 567-1240
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Capacity: 76 | License issued: (18 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Mc Arthur Family Day Care Home

10235 Francis Drive, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 521-4065
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Capacity: 10 | License issued: (30 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Mon Petit Chou

37221 Clinton Avenue, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 567-2088
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Capacity: 48 | License issued: (14 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Pettit Large Family Child Care Home

36401 Roberts Road, Dade City, FL 33525
(352) 567-9174
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Capacity: 12 | License issued: (22 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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