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143 Childcare centers found

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Holloway, Karen

1326 Ann Circle, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 442-2013
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Capacity: 8 | License issued: (18 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hoskinson, Linda

1861 Princeton Drive, Clearwater, FL 33765
(727) 791-7267
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Capacity: 5 | License issued: (34 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hughes, Bonnie Belle

1344 Lakeview Road, Clearwater, FL 33756
(727) 442-5333
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Capacity: 5 | License issued: (53 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hunter, Glendora

1601 Kings Highway, Clearwater, FL 33755
(727) 461-2932
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Capacity: 5 | License issued: (35 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hunter, Jacqueline

1110 Fairmont Street, Clearwater, FL 33755
(727) 447-6824
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Capacity: 5 | License issued: (14 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Hunter, Juanita

1002 Engman Street, Clearwater, FL 33755
(727) 461-5841
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Capacity: 5 | License issued: (45 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Ivy Prep

1655 Belcher Road South, Clearwater, FL 33764
(727) 536-9045
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Capacity: 86 | License issued: (20 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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Jackson-Jones, Shellia

104 North San Remo Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33755
(727) 475-9090
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Capacity: 8 | License issued: (13 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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JCC Suncoast Children's Center

1685 South Belcher Road, Clearwater, FL 33764
(727) 321-6100
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Capacity: 170 | License issued: (12 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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2177 NE Coachman Road, Clearwater, FL 33765
(727) 430-3902
Be the first to review this provider!
Capacity: 100 | License issued: (17 years)
Profile updated: 12/17/2020


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